Launching Patterns Across Multiple Selling Channels

Launching Patterns Across Multiple Selling Channels

Congratulations on becoming a new designer & small business owner! You’ve done the hard work to set your pattern up for success. Now it’s time to decide how and where you'll share your creations with the world. 

Between launching your website and navigating Selling Channels, your choices for releases are endless. You might wonder how many Selling Channels you should launch with and when you should expand.

We’re here to guide the way and help you tackle this strategy like the pro designer you are becoming so that you can meet your customers where they are!

Our goal is to give designers like you More Time To Create and crafting a process for launching your patterns does just that!

Here are a few things to consider while choosing when to launch your patterns across multiple Selling Channels. 

pros of launching on multiple channels!

Start by researching platform and marketplace options you'd like to eventually try. We recommend starting with more than one, especially while you're still figuring out what does and doesn't work for your business. 

There are many benefits to selling your knit and crochet patterns on multiple online selling channels. For starters, you'll reach a larger audience. By listing on various marketplaces, you can expose your patterns to more buyers than you would if you only sold them on one platform or marketplace. Marketplaces like Etsy and Ravelry have unique built-in customers.

Simply put: by listing on multiple selling channels, you are expanding your pool of buyers and that can increase your income potential. 

By uploading to additional selling channels, you can also reach buyers who may be loyal to one platform over another. 

Some makers only want their pattern library to be in one place. Some makers feel more comfortable checking out on a familiar selling channel than through your website. By giving your audience more options, you are giving everyone a chance to support you in ways that feel comfortable to them.

Additionally, selling on multiple marketplaces can help you build brand awareness for your brand and business. When buyers see your patterns on numerous marketplaces, they will start to recognize your brand name, logo, and imagery. 

Popping up in your customer's searches repeatedly will help them feel more familiar and comfortable with your brand. 


when should you expand?

It's hard to tell if you're missing out on a section of your audience if you've never tried launching on a channel. You can expand with one pattern and track how it does on each selling channel over a few weeks. The channels that perform the best during that time should move higher up on your priority list for future patterns/releases. 

The good news is that you're a beginner and won't have to manually upload hundreds of patterns…for now. You can set up your shops for success and build a strong foundation for future releases. Remember, you can always upload to additional selling channels later. But the more patterns you add to your library, the larger of a task it will become to upload them later. Either way - gosadi is here to help you sell on more channels and cut down all that extra uploading time. 

potential challenges & how to tackle them

The biggest reason makers and small businesses stick to one platform and marketplace...time! If this is you, know you're not alone. Most of us are trying to do every job in the book by ourselves and to wear ALL.THE.HATS. 

Between creating accounts on each marketplace, uploading your patterns multiple times, and formatting each pattern correctly so that it fits the requirements of that selling channel - we're exhausted thinking about it all. 

We understand this barrier to launching on multiple channels. This is EXACTLY why gosadi was created and how you know makers & small business owners just like you are behind this platform. 

The goal of gosadi is to streamline the pattern upload process and give you that time back! With gosadi, you can input your pattern info ONCE, select the marketplaces and platforms you have accounts on, and we'll do the rest! You can even add additional selling channels down the line with the same ease. 

One game-changing gosadi advantage is our Designer Landing Page option. If you add this tool to your account, you'll be able to use this as your link-in-bio. From there, your audience can scroll through your patterns and select the selling channel they want to shop through! You will no longer have to pick and choose where to drive traffic. Let your audience see all their options in one spot, and let them decide for themselves!

The bottom line is that selling on multiple channels makes your pattern more accessible to a broader group of makers. It allows your buyers to shop from you comfortably and opens you up to a wider base of makers! 

We're actively working with the many selling channels you love to make your life easier. Sign up for our newsletter to become the first to hear when we open up our Beta testing! We can't wait to put time back into your day!