Holiday Insights For Stitchwear Creators

Holiday Insights For Stitchwear Creators

As the seasons change and we step into sweater weather, it's time to unwrap the trends that will shape our knit and crochet world this holiday season. To guide you through this exciting journey, we've tapped into the wisdom of Hilary Cerbin, co-founder of gosadi and owner of the yarn shop Nina Chicago. Her insights are a treasure trove of guidance for designers, yarn shop owners, and dyers alike.

timing is everything: holiday patterns and bulkier yarns

When it comes to holiday patterns and the surge in bulkier yarn sales, timing is key. According to Hilary, September is no longer the onset of fall; it's a continuation of summer for many. People are settling back into their routines, with holidays far from their minds. However, as early as mid-October rolls around, there's a noticeable uptick in purchases of bulkier yarns at the shop.

But here's the real tip…don't expect to see customers diving into holiday-specific patterns until November. This means October should be your month for holiday pattern prep. Take October to create, tech edit, test, and plan your holiday patterns for November releases.  

Hilary's shop follows the rhythm of the seasons, switching to heavier yarns in late September and then back to lighter ones in March or April. As designers, this timing can inform your release schedule. With proper pre-planning; your holiday-themed patterns will be ready to go when the time is right.

color trends for holiday sweaters and projects

Wondering about the color palette that's making waves this holiday season? Hilary reports that blue is in high demand, with mohair yarn also enjoying a surge in popularity. This aligns with the trend of many designers incorporating mohair into their projects. Blue - versatile and timeless, remains a favorite among knitters and crocheters and will be making an appearance in upcoming pattern releases this fall into winter.

Go beyond garments and think about other hand-crafted holiday decor items. Fall-themed projects are catching the eye of crafters—think leaves, acorns, and other cozy autumn elements. Consider these as stand-alone designs or embrace these seasonal motifs in your designs to capture the essence of fall and the anticipation of winter holidays. 

This trend is sure to continue into the winter months with snowflakes, and winter motifs. If you don’t already have a fall-themed pattern that you can promote in time to catch this trend, begin thinking ahead. You might want to begin designing a winter-themed pattern for release in October.


when to start holiday marketing: a delicate balance

Hilary's perspective on holiday marketing is a lesson in balancing and respecting the seasons. The personal touch matters in the local yarn shop (LYS) business, and that extends to holiday preparations. While some adore the holiday season, others may dread it and it can be a mixed bag of emotions for those that have complicated relationships with the holidays. Pushing the holidays too soon could lead your customer to face burnout. Waiting too long means your customers may not have time to make your designs and enjoy them for the holidays. Did we mention balance?

In Hilary's shop, the rule is clear: holiday music doesn't start until December 1st. They decorate post-Thanksgiving, and the mere mention of Thanksgiving or Christmas doesn't happen until November arrives. It's a deliberate choice to avoid overwhelming customers with premature holiday cheer. You can take this same approach when planning out your social promotions and email newsletters over the next few months.

For designers, not retailers, you may want to start peppering your holiday items into your marketing efforts starting in October.

crafting a cozy holiday season that sells

As we embrace the holiday trends, let's keep Hilary's wisdom in mind. Timing matters colors set the tone, and a balanced approach to holiday marketing can create a warm and inviting atmosphere in your yarn shop or customer promotions. 

Stay tuned for more insights and inspiration as we get you ready for the holiday push. To receive the latest updates and opportunities in the stitchwear community, sign up for our newsletter today.